Tamarind Date Chutney

Guys...I have no words to describe this chutney.

It has become my number one favorite chutney! Zoomed right to the top...

How to make imli khajoor ki chutney recipe at www.oneteaspoonoflife.com

So guys, how was your weekend? Good, bad, somewhere in between?

After a not so great week, I had a decent weekend. I had a thought provoking weekend. It  has been all about defying what I thought I liked. Hmmm.

I went Sari shopping with my mother in law and picked up a sari I never imagined myself buying. I bought a Mysore Silk, my first! I went so certain I wouldn't even buy silk. I surprised myself by picking up this mustard yellow and green Mysore Silk. The color combination I love, in a fabric I never though I could love. But it is lovely and I hope I enjoy wearing it. I've already started planning how to accessorize the Sari.

But my weekend got a lot better before I picked up the Sari. The reason? This awesome delicious amazing fabulous Tamarind Date Chutney I made earlier in the day and enjoyed with an even more delicious Sweet Potato Chaat (Recipe coming up soon, watch out!!)

How to make imli khajoor ki chutney recipe at www.oneteaspoonoflife.com

Tamarind Date Chutney is an Indian version of barbeque sauce. It is tangy, it is sweet, it has a subtle taste of spice.

I am a more traditional South Indian coconut chutney kinda girl. At least I was, until I made this one.
I had one spoonful of the Tamarind Date Chutney and my mouth exploded. Seriously. Exploded with flavor. And I could not have enough of it. I kept sneaking in spoonfuls as I walked in and out of the kitchen while the chutney cooled. I'm sure I saw Raj do it too though he totally denies it.

It's not like I've not made Imli ki Chutney or Tamarind Chutney before, it's just that I'd never made it with dates. It was usually with sugar or jaggery and tamarind. While the sugar added to the sweetness it never gave the chutney that kind of depth it got from the dates.

How to make imli khajoor ki chutney recipe at www.oneteaspoonoflife.com

This chutney can be eaten with anything and everything. You can use it as a marinade where ever you would use barbeque sauce. You can eat it with french fries or Samosa. I even topped a cracker with it and relished it off while no one was around.

The above para just states what you can do.... but not what you need to. You NEED to add this chutney to your chaat*. No chaat is complete without a tangy sweet tamarind chutney and once you've made chaat with THIS Tamarind Date Chutney, there is just no turning back.

*Chaat is Indian version of street food 

My message is clear - Eat this with absolutely anything. But eat it for sure. This chutney is what cravings are made of (when not chocolate cravings, of course, nothing beats chocolate in my world). Try it and tell me what you think.

How to make imli khajoor ki chutney recipe at www.oneteaspoonoflife.com

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Tamarind Date Chutney

How to make imli khajoor ki chutney recipe at www.oneteaspoonoflife.com
Tamarind Date Chutney is an Indian version of barbeque sauce. It is tangy, it is sweet, it has a subtle taste of spice.

Recipe Type:  Dessert
Cuisine:            North Indian
Prep Time:     30 minutes
Cook time:     20 minutes
Yield:                3/4 cup


0.25 cup Tamarind
1.5 cup warm Water
6-8 pitted Dates
1-2 tsp Jaggery powder or Brown Sugar
0.5 tsp Cumin Powder
0.25 tsp Red Chilli Powder


Soak the tamarind in 1/2 cup warm water and keep aside for 30 minutes.
Squeeze the tamarind pulp and extract all tamarind juice.
Chop the dates finely.
Combine the tamarind and dates in a pan and cook on medium flame until it starts bubbling.
Add the cumin powder and red chilli powder and mix.
Cover and simmer on low flame for 8-10 minutes.
Allow it to cool and then blend into a smooth chutney.
Add jaggery powder or brown sugar if the chutney is not sweet enough.
Add water if the consistency is very thick.
Serve chilled.

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